Team Development


Ever feel like your team is stuck and not quite performing at their fullest potential? That’s typical as teams form and develop over time, experiencing distinct stages in the journey:

  • Forming – Team members are generally excited to join, eager for the work ahead, anxious about meeting expectations, and on their best behavior.
  • Storming – Team members realize quickly that expectations are high, which starts to wear down their early excitement. They also tend to focus on immediate tasks, which can cause frustration with the team’s process and progress.
  • Norming – Team members resolve the discrepancy between their own performance and the reality of the team’s experience, so the team starts to settle in and become more flexible and inclusive.
  • Performing – Understanding the established team “norms,” team members are satisfied with the team’s process and progress.
  • Adjourning – Team members generally feel sad or anxious when process ends, but they may look forward to joining a new team and repeating these stages of development.

We understand how to guide teams through these stages and toward their best performance, in holding each other accountable, achieving their goals, and producing unbeatable results.

Please reach out if you need help determining where your team is and how to develop them further.

Team Building

We offer a variety of team building experiences to help form and deepen working relationships, including:

Within each experience, our design includes hands-on exercises and activities to challenge new and existing teams to help them establish a strong foundation, built on trust and transparency, while learning profound lessons about themselves along the way.

Each activity is directed toward key ingredients of workplace success, such as communication, leadership, collaboration, feedback, analysis, listening, and coaching, ultimately leading to action based on accountability to one another. Building on the excitement and sense of accomplishment gained in the team activities, our focus is always on learning that leads to better performance and greater job satisfaction. With those practical paybacks, it is nice to realize that the learning experience is great fun as well.

Everything DiSC Workplace

As a licensed provider, Dering offers the Everything DiSC Workplace® online assessment and workshops that help team members learn about their own workplace style and the overall personality of the entire team. 

Through assessment, each participant is provided a personalized report containing valuable insights into the priorities that drive their behavior and what might be challenging their interactions with others. Through the dynamic workshop and customize DISC team-building sessions, participants apply and practice actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace.

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

Dering is also licensed to offer the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, a relationship-building experience that helps teams discover what it means to be truly unified and effective.

Initially, participants provide team feedback using a three-part online assessment. Then, our experienced facilitators help the team explore how they scored on the key components of each of the five behaviors: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. To assist team members in gaining cohesion, the program is also powered by the Everything DiSC personality model, which helps individuals understand themselves—and others—better. Finally, members develop a team charter for improved performance. The result is a better, stronger team and a healthier workplace culture.

Our Professionals

Paul Young


Paul Caulfield

Vice President

Steve Riccio

Strategic Partner

Carol Harris

Senior Consultant

Chad Ruegsegger

Senior Consultant

Lynn Tonini

Instructional Developer


Hear From Our Clients

“Thanks Paul, the course was great and I appreciate all you and your team did to help us along. I’m sure we will be in touch soon.”

– Dering OnDemand Leadership Participant